Injury Reduction 101
Total cost: $30.00

Injury Reduction 101

4 Weeks / 2 Days per Week / Intermediate

Why Purchase

This program consists of 4 weeks of training with 2 workouts per week. The workouts are broken up into 6 mini training blocks. We have built this program to build upon itself. Each week will progress based on the previous week's exercise selection. The goal is to improve the movement patterns of deceleration and jumping/landing in addition to improving overall strength.

As mentioned above, here are the 6 training blocks:

1- Mobility: Increasing range of motion through hips, ankles, hamstrings. etc.

2- Pillar Strength: Targeted at building strength in all planes of motion. Each workout will include exercises in each category of pillar strength: anti-rotational, quadruped, plank variation, side plank variation.

3- Stability: Single leg balance exercises creating increased proprioception and body control.

4- Movement: Specifically focused on decelerating in different positions.

5- Plyometrics: Teaching proper positioning for jumping, landing, hopping, and bounding.

6- Strength: The focus here is on lower body. Each workout will have exercises targeting hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

About Healthy

  • Healthy Baller
    Healthy Baller, LLC

We are a training company based out of Rockville, Md. Our team is made up of passionate individuals who create lasting relationships with their clients. The Healthy Baller staff includes Strength Coaches, Personal Trainers and Physical Therapists all under one roof. We believe that taking a 360 degree approach to keeping our athletes healthy is best. Our mission is to build athletes in sport and prepare champions in life.

Injury Reduction 101
Total cost: $30.00

About Healthy

  • Healthy Baller
    Healthy Baller, LLC

We are a training company based out of Rockville, Md. Our team is made up of passionate individuals who create lasting relationships with their clients. The Healthy Baller staff includes Strength Coaches, Personal Trainers and Physical Therapists all under one roof. We believe that taking a 360 degree approach to keeping our athletes healthy is best. Our mission is to build athletes in sport and prepare champions in life.